Skyview South FAQs
What do my "dues" do for the neighborhood? Dues are used to maintain the open space area (mowing/noxious weed spraying) and access points, along with paying for needed repairs or upkeep within the neighborhood not covered by the city. Some examples are doggy bags at locations throughout the neighborhood, periodic cleaning of the stormwater ditch behind Foothills gateway that services our neighborhood. Additionally, we've been adding picnic tables to our open space for all to enjoy, it's a great place to catch a summer sunset!
Why does the HOA pay for street lights? The HOA does not pay for street lights, these are serviced by the City of Fort Collins. What should I do if one is out? Contact the City of Fort Collins
Who does snow removal for our neighborhood? There is no snow removal for the neighborhood, the city prioritizes roadways and the only roadway that may apply at times is Constellation, but this is very seldom.
Where is the Shared Open Space and how do I access it? You can access the open space via one of the access paths in the circle drives or from the common access area along the west end of Skyview. See the neighborhood Map located under the Community section of our website: https://www.skyviewsouthhoa.org/neighborhood-map/
When are the yearly dues invoiced? Property owners are assessed on May 1st every year with payment due by 6/30.
How can I nominate myself or someone else to the volunteer board or a committee? You can reach out to the board via our email address skyviewhoafc@gmail.com or attend the annual HOA meeting typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of August each year.
Who takes care of our streets? City of Fort Collins, however please note that although were annexed into the city, the streets are currently not up to city code for all costs to be covered by the city. It would require additional investment from the HOA, which our members are not willing to do, thus the General Improvement Districts (GID #15) was established to pay for these maintenance costs which are executed by the city. What is the GID and how is it calculated? The GID is an additional property tax (ie. mill levy) paid by the homeowners in the HOA, the mill levy is 10 mills. For example: A home that has an Assessed Value (not Actual Value) of $25,000 will result in a GID tax amount of $250 annually. You can obtain your Assessed Value from the Larimer County Property Tax Website: https://www.larimer.gov/treasurer/search
What type of wildlife do we have in this neighborhood? Coyote, fox, hawks, great horned owls, eagles (on occasion), and various other small birds and animals. If you have pets, please be aware of the predators.
Why is the HOA not on social media? We prefer to keep to the basics and service the homeowners as best as possible with our volunteer board.